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Rize Up continues to Shine

Our work with the amazing Domestic Violence Charity – RizeUp continues and we applaud them on competing their 134th home.

RizeUp Australia offers a number of programs tackling the issue of domestic and family violence and their number 1 program is RIZEUP AT HOME where they transform havens given to families coming out of a domestic violence refuge, specific to each family’s individual needs.  Rather than arriving to a barren property, thanks to RizeUp, families arrive at their “new home” and immediately feel comfortable and ready to make a fresh start.

More information on RizeUp and their other programs can be found at

RizeUp is the only charity of its kind that is endorsed by the State Government and M10 Collective looks forward to continuing our work with RizeUp showcasing their amazing support for families fleeing domestic violence and also in their endeavour to educate young people to understand that it’s not ok and to Rize against domestic violence.